I consider myself from Liverpool, even though technically I am what is known as a woollyback.
I once made the mistake of studying English literature for a degree.
I compounded that mistake by doing the same thing again and studying for a PG Diploma in the same subject two years later.
I taught English in Japan for a year. I’ve also taught in Germany and Hungary.
I worked and trained as a reporter with Incisive Media. I’ve never had a magazine or newspaper staff job since.
I have freelanced for media outlets around the world since 2010.
I’m a contributing writer for Portfolio Adviser Europe, and I write for a host of BTB magazines including Pensions Age, The CFO, and European Pensions.
I was an editor at Associated Reporters Abroad and worked on numerous breaking new stories for The New York Post, The Washington Times, and USA Today.
I once worked on a story for USA Today about a giraffe at Copenhagen Zoo, and the zoo is still pissed off at me.
I’m a member of the Society of Freelance Journalists, the International Press Institute, and the German Union of Journalists.
I write books, novellas, and short stories between writing gigs in order to keep the pencil sharp.
Death of a Boxer, my first non-fiction book, came out in February 2024 with BiteBack Publishing. My second, A Duel of Bulls: Hemingway and Welles in Love and War, comes out in 2025.
I have a contact page. Please use it if you would like to hire me or have a question about my work.